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Why did My Turtle Die?

why did my turtle die

Pet turtles can become very sentimental to their owners. After all, many of them can live well into their 20s and 30s. Therefore, when they do eventually die, it can leave you heartbroken. You might have a lot of questions, such as what caused their death.

You might even feel a little guilty if you think your contributed to their death. It is important to remember that turtles will die naturally, and as long as you provide them with a healthy environment, it is in no way your fault.

In today’s article, we are going to cover the main reasons why pet turtles die. We will also provide you with the warning signs of a dying turtle, so you can maybe save their life before it’s too late.

Why did my turtle die?

The main reasons that a turtle dies are respiratory illnesses, parasites, unhealthy diets and environments, and tumors.

Respiratory illnesses

Respiratory illnesses are the number one cause of death for turtles. One of the most common respiratory illnesses in turtles is pneumonia. Some of the main symptoms of respiratory illness in turtles are swelling in the eyes and mouth. It is also common for a turtle to have discharge from their eyes and mouth.

In more serious cases, your turtle might have trouble breathing. They will start to frequently sneeze, and you might be able to hear them wheezing and gasping for air.


Parasites are also a common cause of death for turtles. Parasites usually enter a turtle tank when you add a foreign object, such as plants, substrate, or other animals. When you add a plant to your tank, make sure it is a turtle safe plant.

Some common symptoms of parasites in turtles include diarrhea, weight loss, and lesions on their skin and shell. You can also usually see parasites in a turtle’s poop.

Unhealthy diets and environments

Unbalanced diets are also a common death for pet turtles. It is essential that you feed your turtle a balanced diet of pellets, vegetables, and occasional sources of protein such as crickets or other insects.

An unclean environment can also cause a turtle to die. It is extremely important that you keep your turtle tank clean by doing regular water changes and clean out excess debris. I also recommend getting a turtle tank filter to help keep the water clean. Lastly, don’t forget to provide your turtle with a basing platform that has direct access to UVA and UVB light.  

When turtles don’t have a healthy environment, their skin and shell will start to deteriorate. In extreme cases, their shell will start to rot, which will make them susceptible to bacterial diseases.


Unfortunately, turtles are susceptible to tumors which are also a common cause of death for turtles. When a turtle develops a turtle, there is usually a lump somewhere on their skin. When a turtle develops a tumor, they will likely stop moving as much. They will also have difficulty swimming. Turtles with tumors will also develop a lack of appetite.

How to prevent a turtle from dying

The best way to prevent a turtle from dying is to ensure you provide a healthy environment and diet. As I mentioned early, make sure your turtle has clean water to swim in, and has an area to comfortably bask. It is also important that your turtle lives in a big enough tank so they don’t get stressed out.

While its much harder to cure a turtle with a disease, the most important thing you can do is to always keep a close eye on their behavior. You should check in on your turtle at least once a day. If you notice any erratic change in behavior, you should take them to a vet.

If you catch the problem early enough, you might be able to save their life.