Exotic breeds of turtles are becoming more and more popular. Some people love turtle morphs for their unique shapes and colors, while some are attracted to their scarcity and small markets. Some exotic turtle breeds can even cost thousands of dollars. Today’s article will focus on Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders.
Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders
Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders are an exotic breed that is known for it’s black color and large black pearly eyes. Aside from color, they are very similar to red eared sliders.
Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders are melanistic, which means their skin pigment is almost completely gray and black. They also have large, black pearly eyes, which is where they get their name from.
Below you can see a comparison of the Black Pearl with a regular Red Eared Slider. Regular red eared sliders usually have green and yellow skin.
The bottom side of a Black Pearl Red Eared Slider is pretty similar to a normal red eared slider. Aside from being black and white, the circles are connected to each other instead of being standalone circles.
Where do Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders originate from?
Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders were first bred in Asia. They are very similar in appearance and composition to the Charcoal Red Eared Slider. The main difference is that Charcoals have more yellow pigmentation on their shell, where Black Pearls have shells that are almost completely black.
Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders size
Aside from their color, Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders have almost all of the same physical characteristics of a normal Red Eared Slider. The females usually reach an average length of 12 inches, and the males are usually an inch or two smaller.
Black Pearl Red Eared Slider care
Taking care of a Black Red Eared Slider is the exact same as caring for a regular one. It is important to have a tank that is at least 10 gallons for each inch of your turtles length. So a 7 inch turtle should live in a tank that is at least 70 gallons.
It is also important that you have a heat lamp and filter to help maintain a healthy environment for your Black Pearl Red Eared Slider.. They will also eat the same diet as regular Red Eared Sliders. If you run into issues, you should check out my article on why is my red eared slider not eating.
How much do Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders cost
Due to their scarcity, Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders can be pretty expensive. They usually cost around $200, which is a lot more than a regular Red Eared Slider.
Black Pearl Red Eared Sliders are not available in pet stores, so they must be ordered online. If you google it, you should be able to find a couple vendors. You can also check out my list of the best turtle websites to buy turtles from.
Keep in mind that it will cost extra money to get the turtle shipped. Most priority shipping companies charge around $75 to ship a live turtle.